ivy & i usually have a little tiny moment of time together at breakfast
before her brother wakes up or while he's content in his swing.
it's one of my favorite parts of the day
because she is such a sweet morning person
(and is teaching me to be like her).
lately, we basically turned her little table in the kitchen into her school desk
and have been learning all sorts of things :)
to say that her little brain has surprised me is a huge understatement.
i am just flat out amazed.
she is smarter, funnier, more creative and more sensitive than i ever would've guessed
a little girl of 2 years could be.
she inspires me so.
i realized i don't even touch the surface of her, who she is, on the blog
but rather just tiny attempts of things she's doing
or making
or wearing.
i think i hesitate sometimes because it's hard for me to capture
her personality, her sense of humor, her mannerisms, her style,
her expressions, the way she plays make believe...
it's indescribable.
but she is such a joy right now
(not saying she's perfect, she definitely has her meltdowns)
and it's worth a try so i can remember her.
ivy at 2.
what she has on her feet,
what she eats for lunch,
what she tells me in the car.
just her.
i love every bit of it more than i can ever say.
so here's to more ivy posts that might seem silly
but mean the world to me!

look at lolly eating her snack. ha! all ivy.
ivy removed this owl sticker i had on her bedroom wall, brought it to the kitchen, stuck it on her paper, and accessorized with a bow from her magnetic dolls and a blanket she made from play-dough. "owl take nap" she told me :) genius. and this stuff happens every.single.day.
absolutely one of the sweetest post. I love this blog. It is a history of your family and I am so grateful to be able to sneak a peek into your world. Thank you for the time and effort it takes to keep it up. I love you four, Nana
three cheers for ivy!!!
love her to the moon and back. call me soon ives!
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