and growing like a weed. those cheeks!!!
--sleeping 12 hours (same as last month)
--eating all day every day. i really should write it down because it's pretty amazing.
--wearing size 3-6 months in clothes, size 3 diapers
--went on a little trip this month to houston for esther's birthday! slept the whole 4-hr flight snug as a bug in a bjorn.
--he started wearing shoes which is the cutest thing. call me crazy, but i like boys shoes more than girls. at least for babies. (ivy didn't have shoes til she was one and walking!)
--still most definitely favors kevin's dad
--he sucks his thumb with his pointer over his nose. so cute!
--he has yet to sit his royal hiney in a stroller. he'd probably love it, the bjorn just works better for us right now (by us i mean me)
--likes to swing in the mornings, nap in the afternoon and be held in the evenings
--he smiles every time someone looks at him in his adorable squinty way. (he is probably happy to be getting any attention - ivy steals a lot!)
--still enjoying his night time bath (again, probably loving the attention) and i bet he could just sit in the sink all evening. i think it's so funny i have to clean between the rolls in the PALM OF HIS HAND -- who has rolls there??
--he really is a happy, sweet sweet baby. he never has a "fussy time" and only cries if he's hungry.
--if i had to describe him in three words: mellow, chubby, content.
--he loves his momma and his momma loves him :)
what a great post! Eli is so adorable, you have been soo blessed! that pic is cute but it doesn't look like you :)
really? ha.. i look different in every pic.
we miss you!
he is the cutest. i love his rolls!
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