sometimes ivy comes out of her room after her nap with the funniest stuff on. it's usually her cat hat, or sometimes it's the same clothes she was in for her nap except they are inside out (?) or in this case... my sunglasses and necklace. she walks out of her room nonchalantly donning some super random thing... it cracks me up every time.
after she brushed her teeth, she sat in the sink and asked for a bath (like her brother gets).
(this isn't really that funny, i just thought her hair was so cute!)
yesterday, ivy walked into the kitchen....
ivy: mom, makin?
me: chicken and dumplings
ivy (in a grown up voice): ohh, that's my favorite!
(maybe you had to be here.)
after dinner.....
ivy walked into the kitchen SOAKED. dripping wet. she had her arms spread out and a huge smile like "ta-da!" she had gotten into the full tub IN HER JAMMIES while i was cleaning dishes. (i forgot to drain the water earlier). ohhhh my... kevin thought it was hilarious/super dangerous. woops. lesson learned.
later that evening.....
ivy put my flats on her feet and told me "bye mom. ivy go target" haha!
she keeps us entertained!
haha love this!
hilarious, love the stories!
Chicken and Dumplings -yum! Love this. Love sweet Ivy. Wish we were closer!! Love to all of y'all and happy Thanksgiving!
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