i'm thankful for butter, pies and babies.
i'm thankful for my cozy, working kitchen
and the french doors i can close to make it my own little space,
and the big window i can open to let the fall breeze blow in.
i'm thankful for the oldies station in our kitchen that never turns off.
i'm thankful my husband will finally let me play christmas music tomorrow!
(thanksgiving is his favorite holiday so there's a strict rule about it).
i'm thankful for holidays,
even if it's just my own little family (and uncle craig!)
i'm thankful for them.
kevin, ivy and eli.
i'm thankful for the role they need, want and expect me to play.
i'm so, so thankful i get to be their wife and mom.
i'm thankful for this season to be on my own,
to grow and stretch,
and just when i think i can't do it,
i do it.
i'm thankful we will one day live close to family and my beautiful nieces.
(right, Lord?)
i'm thankful for a husband who supports me no matter how crazy i am sometimes.
i'm thankful for the awareness of my craziness, meaning i am not really crazy. haha.
i'm thankful for this goofy blog that makes me feel closer to you.
and you and you and you.
i'm thankful for my awesome rain boots that keep me warm
and for my awesome mom who gave them to me.
i'm thankful that my awesome mom loves most to be at home and with her children.
and her children's children.
she is probably sitting down right now,
serving them a fabulous meal,
and thanking the Lord for her family.
i'm thankful my mom is thankful for me,
and can't wait to have us home for christmas.
i'm thankful for christmas.
for turning another year older.
for baking.
for music.
for home.
for togetherness.
for Jesus.
for love.
for grace.
i'm thankful for tomorrow.
for rest.
and for leftovers.