last night i asked kevin if i could "stay in bed all day" saturday.
being the amazing man he is, he said "sure!"
and it wasn't even sarcastic.
well, that's not exactly how today went,
but it was close.
maybe even better.
kevin took ives to the children's discovery museum in san jose.
those two have a thing for museums.
they came home for a pit stop,
then headed to palo alto's junior museum & zoo.
ivy's favorite parts of the day were
dancing with kevin in the disco room,
"the HUGE tortoise", the bats and peacock,
and telling me what they each ate.
(she's fascinated by what animals eat, especially when it's other animals.)
it was really nice
hanging out with just e,
then reading outside during his nap
all by myself.
in the peace
and quiet.
but my favorite part
was when everyone was back home.
being in the kitchen getting dinner ready
kevin grilling
garth brooks playing really loud
the kids dancing around us
the weather perfectly cool
and knowing i'll think back on times like this
in the sweetest possible way.
later on, ivy came running in my bathroom and told me
"mom! i just played basketball and golf. can you give me that?!"
(pointing to the deodorant).
then she flipped her shirt like that and did her thing.
ooh ivy.
happy weekend one and all!
ha ha ha ha!!! just laughed out loud at the deoderant pic! love that girl. cute, cute, cute! xo
Jennifer and I love this! Great memories, Chaiss. Deodorant story is hillarious :)
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