Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Sunday, December 18, 2011
christmas with the mcconnells
a sleeping car...

equals a happy mama!!
(note: kevin is not sleeping, i just didn't want him to feel left out :)
it was only an hour and a half drive (that's nothin for us).... but still!
gotta count yo blessings.
we drove back today from visiting the mcconnells in beaumont.
we were there celebrating christmas
before they leave for charleston for a few weeks.
i didn't take ANY pictures so i snapped a few in the car.
hardly makes up for our time there. but we had a wonderful visit.
nancy had her new little house all decorated with stockings for ivy and eli,
lots of gifts under the tree,
christmas tree sheets on ivy's bed,
snowmen, wisemen,
christmas towels, etc.
such a fun time of year.
it was fun watching ivy open her presents this year
since she understands what's going on and gets really excited.
she got a new play kitchen (that she loooooves - the girl can multi task)
a tutu and ballet leotard from craig to encourage her amazing dance skills,
new books, bubbles, a stuffed puppy.
eli got new clothes that will solve our everything's-too-tight problem.
the boy is huge.
but i have to say i think i won in gifts this time.
i got some really thoughtful, nice things.
including the miette pastry book with a set of little 6 inch cake pans...
perfect for baking with ives!
craig was crazy as usual......
atleast he:
A) made fun of my husband for being out of shape
B) got us a date night to a concert in boston
C) didn't terrify ivy with his spontaneous yelling
D) didn't cause our son to throw up multiple times.
E) effectively communicated 15% of the time.
so we're making progress.
juuuust kidding. he's awesome and he knows it.
thank you mcconnells for being so wonderful to me.
and ivy.
and eli.
and of course kevin :)
we love you!
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
4 months
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
happy anniversary us
officially, december 1st.
if we weren't both holding a baby,
we'd have our arms around each other....
here's to many more!
(years and babies)
and trying to take atleast one picture of just us.
i love you
thanks for marrying me!
Monday, December 5, 2011
pumpkin waffles

we made these a few days ago when our friend annie came over to make a gingerbread house with ivy! i know everyone is probably done with the pumpkin this year, but i just wanted to jot this down for my record because they were really good and worth remembering!
1 1/2 cups flour (I used whole wheat pastry flour for half)
3 t baking powder
1/2 t baking soda
1 t cinnamon
1 t nutmeg
1 t ground ginger (didn't have this)
a pinch of salt
2 eggs
1/4 cup brown sugar
1 cup pumpkin
1 2/3 cup of milk (can't remember how much i used... just add til desired consistency)
4 T butter, melted and cooled
Heat your waffle maker.
Mix together dry ingredients in a bowl. (flour, powder, soda, salt, spices)
In another bowl, whisk together eggs, milk, sugar, pumpkin and butter.
Gently fold in the flour mixture.
Spray waffle iron and pour your batter in.
Cook until brown and slightly crispy.
Serve with honey and syrup of course!
+these also freeze really well. just keep in a ziploc, and when you're ready to make them, put them straight in the toaster from the freezer. we've been eating them all week!+
Thursday, December 1, 2011
happy december!
my very favorite time of year!

1: ivy's little tree. she plugs it in when she wakes up in the morning. haha (i know that's dangerous).
2: our festive door :)
3: eli in the tub last night
4: cc's tiny pumpkin muffins & ivy's breakfast the past week (i know that's not healthy)
5: cambridge christmas tree lighting
6: fresh apple turnovers!
7: hot chocolate
8: pumpkin soup with cinnamon croutons
9: ivy's house shoes from gramma
HOME for CHRISTMAS countdown!! 7 days....
Monday, November 28, 2011
pumpkin pie milkshakes

i have lots of pumpkin leftover, so i'm trying to use it all up.
next on my list: pumpkin waffles!
2 c vanilla ice cream
1 c milk
2/3 c pumpkin
1/4 c brown sugar
3/4 t pumpkin pie spice
1/2 t vanilla
blend all together.
top with whipped cream and pumpkin pie spice.
or you can do like my friend lisa and just put leftover pumpkin pie and ice cream in a blender and mix it all together (crust & all)! i tried it with paula deen's pumpkin butter cake and it works!
Saturday, November 26, 2011
beef + bean chili

from the neely's. ya know... pat & gina from food network.
we had this at our friends on hallowen and i've been wanting to make it.
soooo last week i did.
i used all beef, and didn't have some of the spices, but it was still really good.
especially with LOTS of fritos and cheese!
oh ya, and i didn't add the bacon. that seemed overboard!
Thursday, November 24, 2011

i'm thankful for butter, pies and babies.
i'm thankful for my cozy, working kitchen
and the french doors i can close to make it my own little space,
and the big window i can open to let the fall breeze blow in.
i'm thankful for the oldies station in our kitchen that never turns off.
i'm thankful my husband will finally let me play christmas music tomorrow!
(thanksgiving is his favorite holiday so there's a strict rule about it).
i'm thankful for holidays,
even if it's just my own little family (and uncle craig!)
i'm thankful for them.
kevin, ivy and eli.
i'm thankful for the role they need, want and expect me to play.
i'm so, so thankful i get to be their wife and mom.
i'm thankful for this season to be on my own,
to grow and stretch,
and just when i think i can't do it,
i do it.
i'm thankful we will one day live close to family and my beautiful nieces.
(right, Lord?)
i'm thankful for a husband who supports me no matter how crazy i am sometimes.
i'm thankful for the awareness of my craziness, meaning i am not really crazy. haha.
i'm thankful for this goofy blog that makes me feel closer to you.
and you and you and you.
i'm thankful for my awesome rain boots that keep me warm
and for my awesome mom who gave them to me.
i'm thankful that my awesome mom loves most to be at home and with her children.
and her children's children.
she is probably sitting down right now,
serving them a fabulous meal,
and thanking the Lord for her family.
i'm thankful my mom is thankful for me,
and can't wait to have us home for christmas.
i'm thankful for christmas.
for turning another year older.
for baking.
for music.
for home.
for togetherness.
for Jesus.
for love.
for grace.
i'm thankful for tomorrow.
for rest.
and for leftovers.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011
funny girl

sometimes ivy comes out of her room after her nap with the funniest stuff on. it's usually her cat hat, or sometimes it's the same clothes she was in for her nap except they are inside out (?) or in this case... my sunglasses and necklace. she walks out of her room nonchalantly donning some super random thing... it cracks me up every time.
after she brushed her teeth, she sat in the sink and asked for a bath (like her brother gets).
(this isn't really that funny, i just thought her hair was so cute!)
yesterday, ivy walked into the kitchen....
ivy: mom, makin?
me: chicken and dumplings
ivy (in a grown up voice): ohh, that's my favorite!
(maybe you had to be here.)
after dinner.....
ivy walked into the kitchen SOAKED. dripping wet. she had her arms spread out and a huge smile like "ta-da!" she had gotten into the full tub IN HER JAMMIES while i was cleaning dishes. (i forgot to drain the water earlier). ohhhh my... kevin thought it was hilarious/super dangerous. woops. lesson learned.
later that evening.....
ivy put my flats on her feet and told me "bye mom. ivy go target" haha!
she keeps us entertained!
Monday, November 21, 2011
mr. eli's nursery
here's a few pictures i just took with my phone.
i have to say, mom and cindy put this room together
while i was still at the beach recovering.
when we moved here, it was sooo fun to walk in and see all the stuff i'd saved
and things they added all assembled and in place.
they are the greatest.
we kept it pretty simple because:
1. we didn't know boy or girl
2. we moved here when he was 2 weeks old. (that should be illegal)
3. most all of this he borrowed from his sister's nursery
4. you don't wanna go overboard with a boy :)
so this is where we rock, sleep, sing, sleep, change diapers, get dressed,
and sleep some more.
Thursday, November 17, 2011
proud parent moment
ivy & i usually have a little tiny moment of time together at breakfast
before her brother wakes up or while he's content in his swing.
it's one of my favorite parts of the day
because she is such a sweet morning person
(and is teaching me to be like her).
lately, we basically turned her little table in the kitchen into her school desk
and have been learning all sorts of things :)
to say that her little brain has surprised me is a huge understatement.
i am just flat out amazed.
she is smarter, funnier, more creative and more sensitive than i ever would've guessed
a little girl of 2 years could be.
she inspires me so.
i realized i don't even touch the surface of her, who she is, on the blog
but rather just tiny attempts of things she's doing
or making
or wearing.
i think i hesitate sometimes because it's hard for me to capture
her personality, her sense of humor, her mannerisms, her style,
her expressions, the way she plays make believe...
it's indescribable.
but she is such a joy right now
(not saying she's perfect, she definitely has her meltdowns)
and it's worth a try so i can remember her.
ivy at 2.
what she has on her feet,
what she eats for lunch,
what she tells me in the car.
just her.
i love every bit of it more than i can ever say.
so here's to more ivy posts that might seem silly
but mean the world to me!

look at lolly eating her snack. ha! all ivy.
ivy removed this owl sticker i had on her bedroom wall, brought it to the kitchen, stuck it on her paper, and accessorized with a bow from her magnetic dolls and a blanket she made from play-dough. "owl take nap" she told me :) genius. and this stuff happens every.single.day.
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