
Tuesday, December 6, 2011

happy anniversary us

officially, december 1st.
if we weren't both holding a baby,
we'd have our arms around each other....
here's to many more!
(years and babies)
and trying to take atleast one picture of just us.
i love you
thanks for marrying me!


KAM said...

I love you too, Chaiss. Happy 4th, indeed.

And it's my pleasure (the marrying you bit). More than happy to do it again whenever you'd like. :)

PS - Isn't amazing how big my forehead looks in relation to my teeth? And those are some horse teeth.

chaiss said...

haha well i can't say i ever thought about someone's forehead size in relation to their teeth... but i'm pretty sure a big forehead is a sign of intelligence. sooo the joke's on me :)

nancy said...

Happy Belated Anniversary to you both!! I am delighted as well that you two are husband and wife. So happy to have you Chaiss as part of our family. looking forward to seeing you soon.

gen said...

An awesome picture of an even more awesome couple. Love you both!