
Saturday, October 9, 2010

ten things

1. I'm sick.
2. My baby is sick.
3. It's wet and cold outside.
4. Our stroller was stolen last night.
5. I don't know what to make for dinner tonight.
6. My husband is up to his beautiful eyes in work to do.
7. Me and Ivy are left to fend for ourselves - aka wipe each other's noses.
8. I'm too tired to include a picture with this post so it's going to be plain and boring.
9. Whatever to all of the above because WE HAVE INTERNET!
10. Life is good.

Happy weekend everyone!


Susan Berndt said...

Never plain and boring to hear about the three of you. Praying for you and Ivy to "feel better soon"! Know Kevin is " in control" of his studies! Blessings sweet family!!

gen said...

Always include a picture no matter what! No excuses.

hope both of you are feeling better. for dinner make asparagus soup, with toast points. =)

chaiss said...

hahah - but i made that last week

Kathryn said...

not sure if you know this, but you sister-in-law is a stroller expert! I will email asap with a few recommendations for a replacement! :)