
Wednesday, October 6, 2010

playgroups & ponytails

Tuesday mornings around here mean work for Kevin and play for us (kind of like all the other days around here). Kevin goes to class, and Ivy and I go to a playgroup. One of the nice things about living in this tiny, university town is that there are lots of wives and children of other grad students. And, since we’re all kind of in the same boat over here, it tends to be a very social and understanding community. What a blessing. So- there’s a different playgroup almost every day of the week. Tuesday’s group happens to be the “Butterflies” that meets at St. Andrews Episcopal Church, about an 8 minute stroll. I’ll try and take a picture next time because all of the churches here are so beautiful.
Bathed, fed, dressed & ready to go!
After her nap, I tried to put her hair up in a ponytail – haha it cracked me up! It was definitely a stretch and was gone in 2 minutes – but fun while it lasted!


lkbrock@gmail said...

love her shoes,love her hair,love her sweater,love her smile,love her

gen said...

oh my goodness! look at her outfit and her headband and her ponytail!! this is my favorite.

this isn't funny anymore. we have got to skype ASAP!!

Kathryn said...

oh my goodness! Oh my goodness!! Her cuteness is almost too much to handle!!

Kathryn said...

request: pics of ivy's room