
Wednesday, March 27, 2013


i can't believe it's been 3 months! 
 i wasn't sure if i'd ever be back, but.. i kind of missed it so here i am again. 
i think maybe instagram took over and blogs are now like so 5 years ago...
 but then i reminded myself i'm trying to keep this for a little family record 
and i should get back on it or i'll be realllly bummed down the road!
well, i'm not even going to try to recap the past few months 
so i'll just take a deeep breath and forgive myself 
for january, february and march and start here. 
wednesday march 27th:

taken during eli's nap... goofball! 
ivy took this pic (among MANY) which i thought turned out cute
we made pancakes for breakfast
made our beds and picked up the house
the kids dumped out a bag of cotton balls outside and ran in and told me it was snowing
then i made them pick every one of them up using a hair clip
so i could have five minutes of peace.. you know what i'm saying? 
(i actually read it was a good exercise for their pincer grip haha)
what moms actually do that kinda stuff? 
moving on..
lunch, naps, diapers
park, pirates, family of sea lions,
family of squirrel-fish (fish that can climb trees)
family of ducks,
forts, puzzles, the tale of mrs. tittlemouse,
chocolate peanut butter smoothies (YUM)
a few spankings,
watch mr. don prune the trees,
about a million other things..
dinner, baths, jammies
daddy home!
with a box of pizza?
second dinner
brush teeth 

this is our chicken & rice-a-roni soup we had for dinner 
which was "lish" as ivy says 
and now we are all totally caught up.

are you like, so glad you're back in the loop? :)


Sydney and Deming said...

So glad!!!! Thanks for coming back;). I love your blog!!

The Davis Family said...

Missed you!...recipe for rice a roni soup please:)

B+K said...

Cute pictures! Glad you are back too!

nancy said...

I am thrilled you are back!!So happy to have updates on my sweet family in CA...it makes me feel closer to all of you that I love soooooooooooo much. Thanks for coming back

lkbrock@gmail said...

sa bout time! i love your blog and your family. you are a talented writer and we all enjoy it sooo much