time has just been eaten up by getting settled in and finding a little routine.
moms looove themselves a routine.
i don't really think of myself as a "routine kind of mom"
(especially compared to friends, i'm pretty chill)
but i definitely function 100x better when there's a shape and purpose to the day.
so i guess you could say i'm super laid back within my routine :)
well who cares!
a routine is being found and we're the better for it.
anyway, i don't do well with describing big changes
like moving across the country to california
and everything different and new (at least not on the blog),
so i guess that's why i called this short & sweet in the first place.
so i'll try to keep it that way by just saying we are so happy here,
kevin is enjoying his job, working long hours,
i love my tiny house although we live outside,
the kids love everything and life is feeling sweet.
of course it's still exhausting
(does anyone have a friend/cousin/grandma/friend's cousin's grandma around here
who remotely likes children?)
but that's motherhood
and i feel more in my element here than i ever did in cambridge (that's for sure),
even though it was a great experience.
that was a really long sentence.
so here's to cali and hopefully catching some of it on the blog!
swing of things haha super cute pic of eli man glad you're adjusting and glad you posted!!
So happy to see the new post and glad you guys are settling in.
eli is so adorable. keep the updates coming when you have a sec.
hang in there sista you are doing fine!!
I want more, more, more! We are anxiously awaiting pics of the new place and Ivy's california tan!
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