
Thursday, July 19, 2012

first ballet lesson

ivy had her first dance lesson last week and it was so sweet 
and one of those milestone kinda things that i just won't forget. 
i took ballet too and i can see myself in ivy so much it's kinda weird. 

 well, we went to the dance store a few weeks ago to get all her gear 
and even that had her giddy. 
ballet leotards, one pink, one white, pink ballet skirt, ballet slippers and tap shoes. 
she asks me all day long if she can put her tap shoes on. 
we've had to create rules. 
not before 8AM, 
not during eli's nap, 
never outside, and not after baths. 
(am i mean?)
she loooves them!

 last tuesday we loaded up, found the dance studio which is so close, 
(i love this little town)
and wandered inside. 
me and eli sat down, 
and ivy just walked out on the dance floor 
and found a spot in the circle with the other girls, 
with an expression on her face like she had done this before.
this pleased me so much for some reason!
so funny to watch your kid in these environments.

 her teacher, mrs. nicole is amazing and ivy just loved it. 
the first half is ballet, second half is tap 
with a few minutes at the end for "tumble bumble".  
ivy would periodically look over her shoulder 
and wave to me in a style she's never done before. 
i can't explain it but it was hilarious.

aside from me forgetting her socks and skirt, it was perfect.
(at least she's got it more together than the chick in front of her). 
she wakes up every morning asking me if it's tuesday. 

this week, papa even got to sit in and of course ives was loving it. 

it was basically impossible to get a good picture with eli all over the place. 
maybe next time.....
and i just have to say, she is 10x cuter with the skirt on!! :)


gen said...

This is so sweet! She's growing up :( love her

Cindy said...

what is cuter than that ives:)