
Monday, April 16, 2012

oreos & carrots

is it just me or does ivy look 7? 

sweet boy
lunch at the park. 

{the menu}
kevin: spinach salad with chicken, strawberries & toasted almonds
me: minestrone soup and pita chips
ivy: turkey, pretzel goldfish, grapes, pita chips, an apple, 2 oreos, milk and water
eli: 2 carrots and 1 stick


happy monday.  


gen said...

I can't get over how old ivy looks! Chaiss if I don't see her soon then I'm going to cry. Ivy, I miss you so so so much!!

And good boy Eli for eating your carrots!

Love them.

nancy said...

You are right... she looks at least 7. Can't wait to get them both on the beach at folly.

lkbrock@gmail said...

i'd go with ivy's lunch

chaiss said...


sherry g said...

Precious! Chaiss, I made your "Green Soup" and took some to Mrs. Lumbley. We both are loving it. Your soup rocks! It blesses too. :)