well, here we are. i have to say i never thought i'd live in the state of massachusetts, but guess what? i do. we do. 2 weeks tomorrow. Lord knows i'd be lying if i said it's been an easy move, but here we are nonetheless. it's getting better each day, and i know soon it will feel normal - whatever our new "normal" is. and it will be great, because it's ours. (it is 8PM which is like 3 AM in my world and writing starts to get sappy/weird this late).
so aaaanyway, i'll try to just stick to the facts:
--we are here for kevin to get a masters at harvard.
--we live on the 3rd floor of an 1890 red brick building in harvard square. kevin walks to class and we are 5 minutes from cambridge common (a great park). it's old, charming and super cute because mom & cindy were in charge. however, no ac, washer/dryer in our apartment or elevator in our building (helloo stairs!) but i'd say we've already adjusted. we're young & agile... we'll survive!
--the weather has been amazing and we stroll to the park daily.
--we're attending a new church, i've joined the women's bible study and we've been blessed already with the sweetest ladies bringing us dinner for a few weeks. amen to that.
--parking is scary and makes me cry.
-- i found the cutest grocery store in our neighborhood and that's a big deal.
--ivy loves riding the subway and gets mad if we drive anywhere.
--we have our first visitors coming tomorrow!!! yea nana & pop!
this photo selection is random some may think.
#1 ivy sitting at our front door, waiting for the cab.
#2 this morning on our bed
#3 + 4 random apt pics.
this post probably makes no sense, but i am tired and just wanted to acknowledge on my blog that we moved, ya know - minor detail.
here's our new address:
the mcconnells
27 everett street #5
cambridge, ma 02138
goodnight everyone!
Love your kids! Love your place! More pics please, nursery???
Is it just the picture or is Eli huge??? Healthy boy!!
ha, yes i have huge babies! especially compared to yours! :)
love your spot:)
but i want to come visit...
please come!!! you know we'd love it. better hurry before your belly is too big for airplanes!
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