esther turned 7 months! crawling everywhere, happy as can be, and has a little sibling coming this christmas! big congrats to gen & prav!!!
sunday suppers: i hated missing these when we were abroad and i know i'll hate it again when we're in cambridge.
mexican ice cream sundaes:
vanilla ice cream
toasted peanuts
toasted coconut
chocolate chips
homemade cinnamon chocolate sauce
we spent a week with kevin's family at folly beach.
kevin and ivy picked up summer aquarium passes.
it's hard to say who's more excited...
kevin and i left ivy at the beach with nana to take a weekend trip to boston/cambridge to scope things out. first things first, i found my new bakery: flour. i remembered it from a food network show a long time ago. yum. we loved the town and our new neighborhood and got to walk through our next little home. it's an old red brick 4-story building built in the 1890's in harvard square. unfortunately, it was hard to see past the hundreds of books this professor couple had piled in each room. they had an insane amount of stuff packed in that little place - but we really loved it and i can't wait to get my own things settled in (including a new nursery)!
kevin made his grilling debut.
nancy taught him a few tricks while we were at the beach.
i'm loving it.
grilled chicken with mango salsa, rice and grilled corn
Brock fam trip to Cabo!
staples (11 months!) and esther
back in Houston...
Going Away Crawfish Boil for Logan!
He'll be leaving July 10th for Romania, and spending the next 11 months in 11 different countries through The World Race. Follow him at loganbrock.theworldrace.org

the end. whew
1 comment:
but esther is 8 months tomorrow.
love all the pics! i keep forgetting i can text/call you. i haven't been able to in so long!!
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