
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

aunt jemimah

dear nana,

thanks a million for the aunt jemimah's syrup!
it makes all the difference.
ivy likes to pour it, i like to eat it.
works for us!
i want pancakes for dinner every night but kevin says no.
even the prego card doesn't move him.
oh well. we've settled for sunday mornings (if you call that a compromise!)
at least at this rate it will last us a long time!


french toast recipe: here!


gen said...

oh my look at that french toast! yum!! i see esther gets some of that delicious breakfast!

chaiss said...

haha her and staples eat a LOT at our house! hope that's ok :)

Kathryn said...

I made so much french toast when I was pregnant, 3 or 4 times a week! I also spent 8 GBP on Aunt Jemimah syrup (it was the small bottle too), but totally worth it!!

chaiss said...

haha that's funny! what i REALLY want is waffles but i can't find a waffle maker here!!!

The Palmers said...

loove french toast or pancakes on sunday nights. yum! umm.. congrats on #2!!!!!! exciting!!