ivy visited dr. fitch last monday morning (the best pediatrician in the world whom i will dearly miss) for her 1-year check up and i'm happy to report she is healthy as can be.
weight: 22 lbs (85%)
height: 31 in. (90-95%)
height: 31 in. (90-95%)
1 year updates:
--she started walking at 11.5 months
--now has 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom
--needs to begin brushing twice daily. first dental visit: age 3.
--she has lots of hair for her age! but not quite pony tail length :)
--wears size 18 months, size 4 diapers
--has mostly switched over from formula to 2% milk (see above photo)
--learning to drink from a cup instead of the bottle
--sleeps wonderfully (still 12 hours)
--one long nap, usually 3 hours, although yesterday's was 4!
--has learned to wave hi and bye, although not always on cue
--has learned to kiss. soooo sweet.
--has also learned to shake her head "no" at me, when i'm shaking mine at her. so in other words, we're both telling each other "no". it's kinda funny/not what i'm trying to accomplish.
--eating more table foods, mainly fruits and veggies. favorites are still green beans, sweet potatoes, prunes, blueberries, lemons, cheerios, and ice.
--she is laughing a lot more which brings us such joy
--she is laughing a lot more which brings us such joy
--however, she is a little more sassy too. not sure if that is from age or being around her aunt gen who has taught her to say "woah!"
she is the biggest joy in my little life, even though sometimes our photo shoots now look like this:
1 comment:
haha this made me laugh. she is soo cute!! still can't believe she is already one!! whoa ivy!!
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