
Friday, March 18, 2011

happy st. patrick's day!

the hays threw a little irish bash to celebrate st. patrick's day. as usual, we all pitched in a thing or two and before you know it - we're ready to party!
kate, ivy, aed and amelie

thanks hays!

irish soda bread recipe: HERE.
it's the easiest and quickest bread ever.


lkbrock@gmail said...

what a jolly good time! looks like lots of fun, that cake looks so good Ivy has on her christmas slippers haha Chaiss i see your bump!!!!!!!!!!!! love

gen said...

that cake does look good! thanks kevin for giving a bite to ives. and chaiss you look adorable! i can't wait to see you!!

Jessica said...

ha ha! thanks for including the 'missing' irish stew!! :)