Knead lightly into a ball. Pinch off a small handful. On floured board, roll out into bread stick (like a snake!). Brush with melted butter and then sprinkle with Parmesan cheese (or whatever you want). Place onto greased cookie sheet.
Preheat oven to 400 degrees. This gives the bread sticks about 10 minutes to begin to rise. Cook at 400 degrees for 15 minutes. Try not to over-bake or they get a little tough (not that I would know.)
May be made in the morning and kept in the refrigerator unbaked. Remove from the refrigerator about 30 – 45 minutes (depending on how warm your house is) before baking.
Next I want to master pizza dough and cinnamon rolls!!!!!!!!!!! sorry I just got real excited. (Does anyone have a good cinnamon roll recipe??)
PS. Sorry this has kinda become a food blog. It's kinda cold outside and I'm kinda fat and lazy these days. I'm going to give a better effort to make it more about St. Andrews, especially since our time here is running out!
happy 4 months e!